March 2010 - you are the river
farmers market

March 29, 2010

Back to Saturday's at the Farmers Market.  We always go but recently haven't been taking any pictures.  Anywho we went to Barbrix this weekend for Justin's birthday and got so inspired by the amazing flavors and simplicity of each dish we decided to have our own little "tapas-esque" Sunday dinner with all our fresh ingredients.  

On the menu
Baby artichoke w/ garlic dijon aioli dip
Creamy chive mashed potatoes (chives from our garden yay!)
Yellow chard sauteed w/ ginger and shallots
Lemon dill marinated wild shrimp (OMG sooo good)

p.s. don't pay attention to the obvious lack of pretty table settings, we were starved.


March 29, 2010

I've been dreaming of this necklace for a while now, but every time I go to the Etsy site it's sold out.  Major bummer.  Maybe I'll just have to settle for these pretty cuffs instead...no I want that necklace!

*little update. I finally got it!!!*


March 26, 2010

I've heard so much about 'Meet Me at the Center of the Earth', an exhibit of New York based artist Nick Cave's Soundsuits "multi-layered, mixed-media sculptures named for the sounds made when the “suits” are worn."  I can't wait to get myself on down to the Fowler Museum to see them in person. Photography James Prinz


March 24, 2010

...and I'm in love! With what you ask?  The Rubik Console Table from DWR, of course.  I can see this working in my oddly configured dining room as a sleek bar area.  Think about it, a shiny silver or glossy white tray to hold some fancy boos, flanked by simple matching lamps and just behind the tray add a framed print leaning against the wall.  Yes please!


March 24, 2010

Clicked myself right on over to Little Brown Pen and now I can't stop daydreaming of Paris...I especially like her color series-es-es.


March 23, 2010

I'm still searching for the perfect something for my man for his birthday (tomorrow) aah I know!!! I'm such a procrastinator!  I've been shopping all over the place including Mohawk General Store, which is chock full of amazing things but I'm too scared of getting it wrong so I haven't bought anything at all! 

Ok well maybe I have some little things up my sleeve but the big gift is still M.I.A.


March 23, 2010

El Prado is by far my favorite bar on the East side.  You can find it full of hipsters any night of the week enjoying hard to find beers and a carefully selected wine list, while munching on seasonal snacks.  While this place can be a bit of a scene, it's gorgeous wood paneled walls, rough wooden bar and dim lighting always make it feel cozy and intimate.


March 21, 2010

LA Marathon = OMG shut up! I'm all for marathons but it's not so fun being woken up at the crack of dawn (ok maybe around 7ish) by fog horns.  It was pretty awesome however to see Sunset, a street usually full of cars, to be taken over by a sea of brightly colored joggers and people cheering them on.


March 21, 2010

photos by justin kane
Finally the garden box is done and full of veggies!  We planted spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, shishito peppers, chard, and eggplant all of which I'm sure will be extra delicious because Justin and I grew them ourselves.  Oh and of course Ali, she's still recovering from all that hard work.


March 19, 2010

lunch: heck yeah tofu corn dogs and beer...what?...don't be jealous.


March 19, 2010

The Wapping Project  "an idea consistently in transition" is part restaurant, part exhibition space, part amazing.  What an interesting and unusual use of an old factory. 


March 17, 2010

I hosted a yummy St. Patrick's Day brunch with friends and family in honor of my little sister who is town for spring break.  We had lots of food, boos and puppy's galore.  More pics to come from the real photographers...  
On the menu
smoked salmon, radish and watercress salad w/ lemon and olive oil
herb roasted potatoes
summer squash, onion, tomato and basil fritata w/ manchego and iberico cheese
rosemary buttermilk (heart shaped) waffles w/ strawberries and homemade whipped cream
and of course my mom's famous irish whisky cake for dessert

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