I was wandering around Highland Park when I happened upon the most serene women's clothing and home store called Sonomama. They have all the goods for your spiritual well being as well as some seriously dope gifts, you know like the kind you buy for yourself... Needless to say, I will be back.
On a recent trip to Iceland (more on that later) I saw these gorgeous fluffy sheep skins everywhere, I somehow convinced myself I didn't need one and now that I'm home I can't stop thinking about them...
Morning rituals...
palo santo incense to start the day clear and grounded, deep breaths, and hot herbal tea.

my new favorite incense holder made by my friend pkk ceramics

the yummiest smelling incense available here
Women's rights are human rights! Use your voices! If you feel your rights, safety, and health are at risk under the Trump administration then come out and march in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington this Saturday January 21st at 9 am from Pershing Square to City Hall. More information can be found here.

Make your own poster or download and print out this one over at alysonfox.com and say what you are marching for.

Bathroom Makeover Part 2: AFTER
A look at the mood board I made for the bathroom.
The finished product in all its bright white glory. Swapping out the vanity for a pedestal sink really opened up the space and I love the penny tile the floor, which I messed up a bit by walking on it before it was dry but hey what can you do? Lesson learned. The bathroom has gone from a place I would avoid to place where I go to relax and unwind in a hot bath after a long day.
Bathroom Makeover Part 1: BEFORE
When we first moved into our little bungalow it was in need of some serious love. The walls were all mushroom brown, the laminate floors were so cheap they were basically made of paper, the kitchen had mismatched brown-on-brown cabinets and counters, and the exterior, well it was what it was. That being said the charm of the place was undeniable, its light filled rooms, tons of windows, location just steps away from hiking trails. The place just had good vibes.
Anywho, I've taken on a lot of projects to make this little place feel like home and one of my favorites has been the bathroom makeover. Just a little warning this is not intended as a tutorial, it was my first time tiling anything and it's well known that tiling over tile is not a good idea...I did it anyway.
The old rental grade sink/vanity combo, awful beige tile floors and tub surround made of who knows what. Oh and don't forget the black mold.
I chose penny tile because of its clean simplicity and because I thought it would be easier to install over the uneven floor below. The sink and toilet were already installed so I decided to tile around them vs taking them up, if I could have done it the other way around I would have but hey, I needed instant gratification. Countless penny tile chips later I can safely say I learned my lesson. I used the mortar right over the cleaned old tile and set the penny tile sheets making sure to line them up so as not to have visible seams.
Yes those are steps for my teacup yorkie in the background, it was a joke but they are incredibly useful.
Once the penny tile was set I moved onto the mortar for the marble tile tub side. Surprisingly this was the easiest part of the whole remodel. Finn was there to cheer me on or was he wanting to be picked up, I can never really tell.
Ugh grouting penny tile, don't get me started.
The grout actually made the inconsistencies in my tiling job much less noticeable so there's that. Stay tuned for Part 2 the big reveal.
Happy New Year! So long 2016, you brought great joys and great sorrow. Here's to moving forward in a more conscious more meaningful way.